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In 2022, we worked with author Beth Boon to publish a book written and illustrated by children for children. Introducing Yikesy Meets Gaia.

Beth Boon has worked with a local primary school to create the first adventure tale of Yikesy Meets Gaia. The story of an alien who follows a trail of plastic space junk to Earth where she finds more plastic than she’s ever seen. Join Yikesy and friends on their journey to help rid the beaches of plastic and save Earth!

A big thanks to Maeve Jarret, marketing expert, who is helping us redesign and share the new book, using widgits very kindly donated by, so we have the appropriate symbols for children who cannot read text.

Beth has written a following book for the children’s series called Yikesy Meets Gaia by the River, which has also been designed by children for children. Launching 5th July, 2024. Follow our social media pages for more information on the launch and purchasing options.

Interested in buying a copy of Yikesy Meets Gaia?

Choose from:

Yikesy Meets Gaia

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Yikesy Meets Gaia, with widgits

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Yikesy Meets Gaia: by the River

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Email the team at today to order your desired book. Please specify which version you would like to order.

All the profits go towards marine conservation.

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